How to Walk in Victory



Victory or defeat, it is your choice. No matter the situation, you have a choice: to be a victim of your circumstances or to walk with the courage of an overcomer.

Although we can’t control the things that happen to us, our responses and actions taken as a result are well within our power. Here are a few ways that you can choose to remain positive in the midst of difficulty.

Remove yourself.

Take a step back from whatever is troubling you. Rather than stay in a toxic environment, find some space to regroup. It is okay to need time away.

Reflect on the cause.

What has got you feeling this way? If you can identify the source of your discontent, then you can begin to develop skills to address and cope with the problem.

Allow yourself to feel.

Feelings are important. It is okay to cry, it is okay to feel frustrated, afraid, angry, concerned, or resentful. Allow yourself to fully embrace and express your emotions. Sit with the uncomfortable feelings.

Don’t stay stuck.

Once you’ve taken the time to sit with your feelings, it’s time to get up. You are resilient and capable of moving forward and figuring out whatever problem is before you.

Ask for help.

Just as it’s important to recognize your feelings, it is also important to be able to ask for help when you need it. There is nothing wrong with needing assistance and being able to ask for it when necessary.

Trust your gut.

If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Being able to trust your instincts will allow you to make better decisions and avoid possible danger.

Know your worth.

You are made for a purpose. You are special. Once you realize your true value, you will not accept or entertain anything less.

Walk in love.

It can be difficult to forgive, but there is peace in being able to let go. Release the resentment. When you are able to walk in love, you will find true freedom. You become unshakable.

Pay it forward.

Just as someone was there for you, be there for others. Share your story and be available to help people who may be facing a similar situation. What you put out will always come back to you.